Please finish it, the checkpoint is there to keep you on track and is super important
Discussion Review
Will only cover problems that students ask to go over! If you want more review on questions, or want to go faster, discussion review is a great place to go to!
Can sign up for this on Ed.
Results from last section
Notes from last section
OOP/Objects: when would you use OOP over another programming paradigm
Good question! OOP is very useful if there's a hierarchical structure to what you want to do (for example, video games tend to have this structure with enemies; you probably saw this with Ants, where implementing new ants took far less effort than implementing the 'first' ant)
More on super and inheritance
This discussion!
"Maybe ask if there are people working on a specific question midway through lab so that people can work together"
Good idea - I'll try something like this next lab
I really enjoy the mini lectures!
Notes from last section
thanks for this comment
Also would highly recommend doing the optional questions on the last lab - they're pretty useful for understanding more about how OOP works
Recursion Practice
You'll get... quite a lot on this soon
The rest of the course from here is pretty much recursion until the end!
Mid-Semester Feedback
Sometimes there's very contrasting feedback
Some people want discussions to go faster
Some people want discussions to go slower
I unfortunately cannot accommodate for all of this
Discussion review sections!
Also, worksheets are designed to be longer than what can be covered
I speak too fast
I knew this was an issue - I do tend to speak fast when I get excited, which is not a great habit
Feel free to scream at me if I'm speaking too fast - you can also ask me to go over something again, and I'm more than happy to do that for you
Mid-Semester Feedback
Lab mini-lectures are too long
You're more than welcome to start doing the lab even while I'm talking
Even asking questions is fine: one of the AIs will get to you if it's a lab based question
More group discussions/engagement
Please help me with this - would like this to improve too!
I might try 'enforcing' something next discussion if there's not enough group discussion here
I promise group discussion is useful (Lost on the Moon!)
Many of you said I have a lot of energy
This is something that I don't have ever, unless I'm teaching, which I find super strange
Temperature Check
Class Methods
Representation (repr, str)
Object-Oriented Programming
What is OOP?
One way I like to think of OOP is as a sort of 'advanced' data abstraction
You would use OOP for similar things that you would use data abstractions for
Can make a City class (similar to the City data abstraction you messed around with during Lab)
OOP also allows for inheritance (less repetition of code, more on this later)
OOP also allows for mutation
Similar to list mutation (.append, .extend, etc.)
You may have seen this if you've seen Java before (I didn't have any exposure to OOP when I took CS 61A for the first time)
OOP Terminology
A class is sort of a 'blueprint' for something. You can think of it as a template for creating an object
An instance of a class is one object of that blueprint, or one physical object that you create based on your template
Instance Variables: Variables unique to each instance
Class Variables: Variables shared between each instance in the same class
Function bound to a class
Functions vs Methods
Methods need to take in self as an argument
This is very often implicitly passed in when the thing on the left side of the dot is an instance is the same as, 100)
self refers to the actual instance (rather than the class)
Two ways of calling methods:
Class.method(self, args)
Q1 Mini-lecture
classDog():def__init__(self, name, owner):
self.is_alive = True = name
self.owner = owner
defeat(self, thing):print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!")
deftalk(self):print( + " says woof!")
classCat():def__init__(self, name, owner, lives=9):
self.is_alive = True = name
self.owner = owner
self.lives = lives
defeat(self, thing):print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!")
deftalk(self):print( + " says meow!")
Notice the redundancies in the code? One of the core foundations in this class is to not repeat yourself (DRY)
Instead, you can use inheritance to solve this problem
Syntax when creating a class is to put brackets around the class you want to inherit:
classCat(Animal):# Cat inherits the Animal class - as in, all cats are animals
classPet():def__init__(self, name, owner):
self.is_alive = True# It's alive!!! = name
self.owner = owner
defeat(self, thing):print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!")
classDog(Pet):# Inherits all methods/variables from the Animal classdeftalk(self):print( + ' says woof!')
Inheritance - super()
Calling super() will refer to the class's superclass
You can use the parent's method and then add on to that.
classCat(Pet):# Inherits all methods/variables from the Animal classdef__init__(self, name, owner, lives = 9):super().__init__(name, owner)
# same as calling Pet.__init__(self, name, owner) from here
self.lives = 9deftalk(self):print( + ' says meow!')
Class Methods
classDog(Pet):# With the previously defined methods not written out @classmethoddefrobo_factory(cls, owner):return cls("RoboDog", owner)
Uses the @classmethod decorator
Useful for when you want to create multiple instances of a class based on information you already have
Also useful when you have a method for a class that may not necessarily be associated with an instance (e.g. Path.cwd())
For example, in the case above, if I want to create a bunch of dogs with a certain owner, I can use this Class Method
Python objects by default have really ugly names if you try to output them into the interpreter:
<__main__.Cat object at 0x7fe611abff70>
Representation lets you define a better way to display this out in the console such that other people know what you're talking about
repr and str
Affects what is displayed when object is evaluated in terminal
'Computer readable' (as in, you can use eval on something from a __repr__ method, and it should not error if implemented correctly)
Changes what is displayed when an object is printed
'Human readable'
If you directly output to a console, __repr__ is used, but if you try to print, it will first try and find __str__, and if that doesn't exist, it will use __repr__ instead.