Discussion 6

Mutability, Iterators, Generators

Antonio Kam
anto [at] berkeley [dot] edu


  • There's like nothing to say lol
  • Fill out the mid-semester feedback form! Super useful
    • All responses are anonymous, and I read everything that shows up. It'll help improve your experience in discussion
    • pls fill this out
    • be honest as well, i'll greatly appreciate it
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Comments from last section

  • Real world examples of trees in Python
    • Binary Search Trees (you'll see this in CS 61B)
    • Makes searching for ordered items very easy and fast
  • Your take on AI being really good at mimicking peoples voices.
    • 🥶
  • Best TV show/movie of all time?
    • HTTYD
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Temperature Check 🌡️

  • Mutability
  • Iterators
  • Generators (today's lecture, I think)
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

All slides can be found on

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

List Mutation Functions (adding)

  • .append(element)
    • Adds elements to the end of the list
    • All elements go in one new box (can get nested lists if the element passed in is a list)
  • .extend(iterable)
    • Concatenates two lists together (typcially iterable is a list)
  • .insert(index, element)
    • Inserts element at index
    • Does not replace elements - this operation instead makes the list longer.
  • All these functions return None once you use them
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

List Mutation Functions (removing)

  • .remove(element)
    • Removes first appearance of element in list
    • Errors if it's unable to remove an element
  • .pop(optional index)
    • Removes and returns element at the given index
    • If index is not provided, it defaults to the last element in the list.
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Mutating Lists

  • List mutation functions can modify an existing list
  • Slicing will create a new list
    • Examples later
  • a = a + b will create a new list
  • a += b does not create a new list
  • Indexing into a list and changing the element at that list will mutate the list:
    • a[0] = 7 will change the first element in a to be 7.
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Identity vs Equality

  • is will check whether 2 objects are the same thing (i.e. pointing to the same object)
  • == will check if two objects have the same value
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Identity vs Equality

  • is will check whether 2 objects are the same thing (i.e. pointing to the same object)
  • == will check if two objects have the same value
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [1, 2, 3]
a == b # True
a is b # False
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Mutating Lists (Example)

lst1 = [1, 2, 3]
lst2 = lst1
lst3 = lst1[:]

test1a = lst1 == lst2
test1b = lst1 == lst3
test2a = lst1 is lst2
test2b = lst1 is lst3

lst1 = lst1 + [4]

(For those reading the slides later, put this into tutor.cs61a.org)

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy

  • Shallow Copy
    • Only copies the first layer of a list
    • If we have a nested list, we only copy the arrow (not the list itself)
    • Create a new list where you copy over whatever is in the same box
  • Deep Copy
    • Makes a complete copy of everything in a list
    • Very slow operation - no easy way to do this
  • Python uses shallow copies (as do most languages) when copying lists!
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Example: Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy

lst1 = [1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
lst2 = lst1[:]

(For those reading the slides later, put this into tutor.cs61a.org)

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


  • Iterable
    • Old View: Something we can go through one at a time
    • New View: Something we can call iter on - this will return an iterator.
  • Iterator
    • A type of object that lets us keep track of which element is next in the sequence
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Functions to Interact with Iterators

  • iter(iterable)
    • Takes in an iterable and returns an iterator.
      • Calling iter on an iterable makes a brand new iterator
      • Calling iter on an iterator returns that same iterator (not a copy!) and does not change the state of that iterator
  • next(iterator)
    • Takes in an iterator and outputs the next element
      • Raises StopIteration when it has no more elements to go through
      • Cannot call next on an iterable
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


  • Iterable = Book
  • Iterator = Bookmark
  • Calling iter on an iterable (book) will create a new bookmark
  • Calling iter on an iterator (bookmark) will just give you the same bookmark (no reason to mark where a bookmark is)
  • Calling next on an iterator moves the bookmark to the next chapter
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

do some terminal example pls thx

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Results from last section (links.rouxl.es/disc)

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


  • Generators are more specific versions of iterators that you can create yourself!
  • When a generator function is called, it returns a generator object!
  • The body of a generator function is not evaluated until next is called on the returned generator object.
  • Generator functions look like normal functions, but use yield instead of return. Python will automatically see yield and determine a function a generator function if necessary.
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Generators (continued)

  • When next is called on a generator object, the body of a function is executed until yield is reached.
  • From there, the yield statement will return a value, and then pauses that specific function at that moment (by saving the frame, and the line that it's on)
  • When next is called again, we continue where we left off, until yield is reached again.
  • StopIteration will be raised at the end of a generator function
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


def countdown_generator(n):
    assert n >= 0
    while n >= 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

yield from

  • You can use yield from <iterable> if you want to yield every value from an iterable. These are equivalent:
lst = [1, 2, 3]
# Version 1
yield from lst

for item in lst:
    yield item

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Mental Health Resources

  • CAPS:
    • If you need to talk to a professional, please call CAPS at 510-642-9494.
  • After Hours Assistance
    • For any assistance after hours, details on what to do can be found at this link
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Anonymous Feedback Form

Thanks for coming! 🥳

Please give me feedback on what to improve!

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)