Discussion 7

Trees and Linked Lists

Antonio Kam
anto [at] berkeley [dot] edu

All slides can be found on

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


  • Cats due today!
  • Ants gets released tomorrow!
    • This is my favourite project by far 👀 I hope you enjoy it
    • Checkpoint is Friday
  • Magic: the Lambda-ing will be released soon as an extra credit project
    • It's definitely a small project - you aren't expected to do nearly as much as the normal CS 61A projects
  • HW 04, Lab 07 due Thursday
  • CS 61A has a final exam full clobber policy
    • This is not usually a thing during regular semesters, but we can all take advantage of it!
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Notes from last section

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Notes from last section/feedback form

  • There's going be more resources for finals - we'll have specific topical review sections along with the discussion/lab final review sections
  • Lab and Discussion are fixed timeslots - I'm not allowed to extend the amount of time for each section
  • More problem-solving tips
  • Try to do more questions for each topic
  • Teach us how to cube
    • There's a DeCal for that! (I'm teaching it 👀)
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Temperature Check 🌡️

  • Linked lists (have not been covered in lecture yet)
  • Trees
  • Tree Recursion (they're pretty related with trees)
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Trees 🎄

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


  • Trees are recursive data structures (as in, trees contain more trees)
  • Important terms:
    • Root Node
    • Branch(es)
    • Leaf Node
    • Children
  • Sort of looks like an upside-down tree compared to the real world
  • Questions are generally solved using tree recursions
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Trees (construction)

  • The Tree constructor takes in a label, and an optional list of branches. If branches isn't given, it defaults to an empty list []
class Tree: # simplified version compared to the 61A implementation
    def __init__(self, label, branches = []):
        assert type(branches) == list
        for item in branches:
            assert isinstance(item, Tree)
        self.label = label
        self.branches = branches

Construction: Tree(2); Tree(2, [Tree(3), Tree(4)])

Note that the branches must be in a list.

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Trees (access)

t = Tree(3, [Tree(4, [Tree(5)]), Tree(6)])
>>> t.label
>>> t.branches
[Tree(4, [Tree(5)]), Tree(6)]
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Question 1 (mini-lecture)

Recall that the height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf.

def height(t):
    """Return the height of a tree.

    >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(5, [Tree(1)]), Tree(2)])
    >>> height(t)
    >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(1), Tree(2, [Tree(5, [Tree(6)]), Tree(1)])])
    >>> height(t)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)


Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Linked Lists

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Linked Lists

  • You can use linked lists to create your own version of a sequence
  • They are generally useful when you want to have an infinitely-sized list, or want to dynamically change the size of the list (more useful in 61B if you do end up taking it)
  • In general, linked lists problems can be solved using both iteration and recursion
    • Like trees, they are recursive data structures, but unlike trees, you can use both recursion and iteration to solve them.
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Linked Lists (Anatomy)

class Link:
    empty = ()
    def __init__(self, first, rest = Link.empty):
        assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link)
        self.first = first
        self.rest = rest
  • Linked lists have a first (similar to label) attribute and a rest (similar-ish to branches) attribute.
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Linked Lists (Construction)

Note to Anto: Draw box-and-pointer diagram

s = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3)))
>>> s.first
>>> s.rest
Link(2, Link(3))
>>> s.rest.first
s2 = Link(1, 2) # This will error because rest is not a linked list
>>> s.rest.rest.first
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Question 5: WWPD

>>> link = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3)))
>>> link.first
>>> link.rest.first
>>> link.rest.rest.rest is Link.empty
>>> link.rest = link.rest.rest
>>> link.rest.first
>>> link = Link(1)
>>> link.rest = link
>>> link.rest.rest.rest.rest.first
>>> link = Link(2, Link(3, Link(4)))
>>> link2 = Link(1, link)
>>> link2.first
>>> link2.rest.first
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Mental Health Resources

  • CAPS:
    • If you need to talk to a professional, please call CAPS at 510-642-9494.
  • After Hours Assistance
    • For any assistance after hours, details on what to do can be found at this link
Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)

Anonymous Feedback Form

Thanks for coming! 🥳

Please give me feedback on what to improve!

Slides by Antonio Kam (anto@)